Nominations for District Governor 2027-2028

Dear Rotarians,
Who will be the next in line to serve as District Governor for Rotary District 5930?
Will it be a member of your Club? Will it be someone you know? Will it be you?
Currently I am humbled and honored to serve as your District Governor (2024-2025). Following my term will be District Governor Elect, Elaine Hernandez (Mission) who will serve as your DG in 2025-2026 followed by District Governor Nominee, Jack Alspaugh (Corpus Christi Evening) who will serve in 2026-2027.
Now that your first few Rotary months are out of the way, I would like to ask you and your club members’ assistance in identifying potential candidates for our District’s 2027 – 2028 Governor. I know that it seems like a long way into the future but in order to comply with Rotary International’s Manual of Procedure, this is the required protocol.
The deadline for 2027-2028 Nominations for District Governor is December 13, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (CST).
Interviews will be conducted on February 1, 2025 in Kingsville from 10:00 am. to 2:00 p.m., format and location to be determined.
Review the qualifications to be considered as a candidate for the position of District Governor Nominee, a job description, Nominee Data form, Elections Guidelines, and a club nomination resolution.
Please email me @ and copy District Secretary, Norma Hernandez @ your completed packets.
Please note: Incomplete application packets will not be considered.
Zehra Surani
District 5930 Governor 2024-2025
Rotary Club of Southside Corpus Christi