January - Vocational Services

Vocational Service Month During this period, clubs highlight the importance of the business and professional life of each Rotarian. Special activities promote the vocational avenue of service.
  • Distribute Four-way Test
  • Distribute Vocational Awards to outstanding individuals, Arrange Vocational Visits
  • Awareness seminar on career guidance, Organize / Arrange in Plant Training
  • Start Vocational Education / Skill Guidance Center. Start Part Time Consultancy center
  • Helping Physically Challenged people to gets jobs

February - World Understanding Month

Vocational Service Month During this period, clubs highlight the importance of the business and professional life of each Rotarian. Special activities promote the vocational avenue of service.
  • Organize 'MUNA' (Modal United Nations Assembly) at College Level
  • Engage in reconciliation of broken families, restoring relationship
  • Help How people can live in peace with their families and their neighbors
  • Assist Young Single mothers who are victims of abuse through training them with self-help projects. e.g. Opening small business that may help them with their children