This year, as in past years, we will have a program book at the District Conference.
  • Agenda and schedule with room assignments
  • Bios of DG, RI President, President's Representative, DGE, DGN, DGND and speakers
  • Information on some of next year's activities
  • Thanks to this year's Officers and Directors
  • Ads from Rotarian-owned businesses and club for Fundraisers
  • Ads from community members
Ad sizes and costs
  • Full page - width 4.75 inches by height 7.75 inches - $250
  • Half page - width 4.75 inches by height 3.75 inches - $100
  • Quarter page - width 4.75 inches by height 1.75 inches - $50
  • Inside back cover - width 4.75 inches by height 7.75 inches - $750
  • Outside back cover - width 4.75 inches by height 7.75 inches - $1000
Additional comments - All ads are full color, no bleed, artwork must be camera-ready (no faxes or photocopies). Please submit as .jpeg, .jpg, .png, or .pdf. NO MS Word docs. Submit document to by April 10.
Benefits of Sponsoring and purchasing an ad
By sponsoring Rotary International District 5930, you:
  1. Gain additional exposure for yourself, your business, or your organization.
  2. Support a charitable, diverse organization of over 1.2 million community leaders who are committed to creating positive, lasting change in our local and global communities by providing resources to them.
  3. Enable Rotary International District 5930 with the ability to expand training opportunities, youth, and conference events for our volunteers, which include guest speakers and facilitators.
  4. Allow Rotary International District 5930 the means to provide additional support to our organized events.
  5. Simply put: help us help everyone else.