District Conference Requests
What we need from Clubs:
- Door prize – value - $50, suggestions - gift basket, gift cards
- Project Display board of your signature project for fundraising or community involvement to share
- A list of names with details and a picture of members who passed this year for our Celebration of Life. Send to JD Simpson at jdsrotary5930@gmail.com by April 21, 2017.
What we need from Rotarians:
Donation of an item for our Mystery Box. This is a large box filled with all manner of things –pretty things, kitchen things, small appliances, gift cards, games, garden things, TV things, all manner of things. We guarantee that the box contains at least $2000 worth of merchandise. Raffle tickets will be on sale for $10. Only 1000 tickets will be sold. Send it to District 5930, PO Box 51, Rockport, TX 78381. Call Nancy Paulson, 361-463-8791 or Terri Whitman, 361-205-7122 for more information. Winning ticket will be drawn on May 6, 2017 at the Governor's Banquet Dinner.
- Honor the Women in Rotary – attend a luncheon in Harlingen.
- Your attendance at a Party – Friday night – Cinco de Mayo.
- Come to the All Club Lunch on Saturday, May 6.
- Be an audience member at several performances on Saturday. Especially – Amanda Wirtz
- Walk on Sunday for Polio.
- All this will give you a better view of our District and provide some fun for you and your family in Rockport and Fulton.
Available to either Clubs or Rotarians:
- We are offering a new service of having Rotary merchandise on sale at the conference. i.e. totes, banners, lapel pins, shirts, etc. If you or you club would like a table, we have 5 available at $50 each. We must have your email requesting a table by May 3. First committed, first paid. All merchandise must have the new Rotary logo.
Thank you for for attention to these needs as we plan and prepare for YOUR Conference of Rotary Clubs.
Chairpersons of the Planning Committee for 2016-2017 District Conference of Rotary Clubs
JD Simpson, PDG & Terri Whitman