How Might We . . . Lend a Helping Hand Training Seminar
We seek answers. We seek best practices. We want to share what we know.
  • HOW indicates that an answer, idea, or solution exists.
  • MIGHT says that there may be more than one answer.
  • WE suggests that we can work on and solve it together.
So, as we gather with other Rotarians in virtual training, how might we stay curious? How might we stay curious long enough to understand, instead of simply making sure we are understood?
When: Saturday, October 3, 8am-12 pm
What: Four Sessions covering Foundation and Public Image
How: Zoom Virtual Meeting
When: Saturday, October 17, 8am-12 pm
What: Four Sessions covering Membership and Club Support
How: Zoom Virtual Meeting
  • Sessions topics have been generated from the responses to the survey sent to all members.
  • Sessions will give members and clubs concrete and actionable suggestions and tools to take back to their clubs.
  • This training counts toward fulling the requirements for the District Exemplary and Landing a Helping Hand awards for the year.

Haven’t had a chance to complete it yet? Complete the survey NOW

Stay tuned to your email for more information, complete descriptions and how to register for this training.

Remember District 5930 Rotarians

Lend a Helping Hand and

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