Join the World Interact Week party to celebrate the power of Interact and to connect with Interactors around the world.
In addition to joining the global party, take action with your Interact club with these ideas to celebrate World Interact Week:
1. Create an Interact promotional video, photo(s), and/or essay in the 2023 Interact Awards! Learn more and nominate your Interact club by 3 December 2023 at rotary.org/interactawards
2. We are hosting a live chat with members of Rotary International’s Youth Advisory Council to celebrate! Join us here on 1 November at 5:30 PM Chicago time: https://www.facebook.com/interactofficial/live_videos/
3. Work with your sponsor club to complete a certificate of reco
gnition to highlight the positive impact of your Interact club during World Interact Week. Remember, social media promotion of a World Interact Week activity by your Interact club is an optional goal towards achieving the Rotary Citation for Interact Clubs. Use this worksheet to track your progress toward the Rotary Citation for Interact Clubs throughout the year. (https://my-cms.rotary.org/.../rotary-citation-goals-and...)
Share your celebrations with #WorldInteractWeek and RSVP to the event for the most up-to-date events calendar and for access to live virtual events throughout the week.