The District Advisory Committee has nominated Jack Alspaugh to be Governor of District 5930 for the Rotary Year 2026-2027.
Jack Alspaugh joined Rotary in February 2016. As a small business owner, he was seeking an opportunity to support the local community. He is an active member of the Evening Club of Corpus Christi. He was the past president (2019 -2020) and is currently the Foundation chair and interim Treasurer. As a district officer, he served in many capacities: Risk Management Officer (2017-20), LT. Governor of Community Service(2020-2022) (2023-2025) and LT. Governor of Administration(2022-2023). A graduate of RLI and current Faculty member, a Paul Harris +8 Fellow, and a Bequest Society member (2016-17) Foundation Benefactor (2016-2017).
Jack and his wife of 43 years, Judy, moved to Corpus Christi in the spring of 2014 with their two fur babies.
Jack established Gary Insurance Group in 2000 as an employee benefits operation. With the move to Corpus Christi, a Property Casualty agency was established. The current operation services the ACA Market with health and life insurance.
Jack and his wife of 43 years, Judy, moved to Corpus Christi in the spring of 2014 with their two fur babies.
Jack established Gary Insurance Group in 2000 as an employee benefits operation. With the move to Corpus Christi, a Property Casualty agency was established. The current operation services the ACA Market with health and life insurance.
12.030.7. Challenging Candidates. Any club in the district in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year may also propose a challenging candidate for governor-nominee, but only if it previously suggested the candidate to the nominating committee. A club in existence for less than one year as of the beginning of that year may propose a challenging candidate if the candidate is a member of that club and was already suggested to the nominating committee. The name of the challenging candidate shall be submitted by a resolution of the club adopted at a regular meeting and filed with the governor by the date set by the governor, which shall be within 14 days of notification of the selection for governor nominee.
12.030.8. Concurrence to Challenges. The governor shall inform all clubs through a form prescribed by RI of any challenging candidate and ask whether any club concurs with the challenge. In order to concur, a club must adopt a resolution at a regular meeting and file it with the governor by the date set by the governor. A valid challenge requires concurrences by either: (a) 10 other clubs; or (b) 20 percent of the total number of clubs which have been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year in that district, whichever is higher. A club shall concur with only one challenging candidate.
If you have any comments or questions, please contact The District Advisory Committee Chair Kent Grier.”
Email - kent.grier@sbcglobal.net
Cell Phone: (361) 648-1468