District Scholarships
The Rotary Foundation and clubs invest in our future leaders and philanthropists by funding scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study.

The Costa Rica International Scholarship is intended to support two college/university students who will have completed at least two years of university work in pursuit of a degree in a field directly related to one of the Rotary Foundation’s Areas of Focus (i.e., Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention; Disease Prevention & Treatment; Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene; Maternal and Child Health; Basic Education and Literacy; Community Economic Development; and Environment These areas are described below.)
Scholarship recipients will spend time in Costa Rica working under the supervision of health professionals as volunteer members of a medical brigade responsible for providing medical assistance to individuals in need. The registration fees, room and board (with some meals), travel insurance, and flight arrangements for the trip are being paid by Rotary District 5930.
Need Endorsement by President of a Rotary club in District 5930. Suggest applicant contact the President or other appropriate club official (e.g., Director of Foundation) no later than January 20, 2025, to arrange for the endorsement. You can contact the Rotary Club here: https://rotary5930.org/ClubDirectory
Application Deadline: The application and other required documents must be submitted to Costa Rica Scholarship Subcommittee Chair Christine Udeani at udeani@live.com on by February 1, 2025.
Competitive Interview Schedule Interviews for this scholarship will be conducted through the Zoom videoconferencing system on March 8, 2025.
Only non-Rotarians are eligible to apply. Please share this information with anyone you believe would qualify.
The District 5930 Rotary Global Grant Scholarship will be used to fund one or two years of post-graduate study at a recognized university in a non-U.S. country in a study discipline that supports the Object of Rotary and the Mission of The Rotary Foundation (see www.rotary.org).
This scholarship is designed to support an individual who has exhibited a passion for public service. It is intended to provide for a course of overseas studies which will enable the individual to be a more successful leader in the chosen field of service.
The award for the global grant scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year will be $30,000 to
$40,000, depending on circumstances. The number of scholarships per year is determined locally and can vary from year to year. Each student must study at a university located in a country other than the country of his or her citizenship.
Need Endorsement by President of a Rotary club in District 5930. Suggest the applicant contact the President or other appropriate club official (e.g., Director of Foundation) no later than January 20, 2025, to arrange for the endorsement. Use our free District 5930 app at www.Rotary5930.com for assistance. 2024-2025 Presidents will not be listed until May 2025.
Application Deadline: The application and other required documents must be submitted to Global Grant Scholarship Subcommittee Chair Christine Udeani at udeani@live.com on or before February 1, 2025.
Competitive Interview Schedule: Interviews for this scholarship will be conducted on March 8, 2025, through the Zoom videoconferencing system.
Only non-Rotarians are eligible for this scholarship. Please share this information with anyone you believe would qualify.

Use this flyer to promote the scholarships in your Rotary Club.